

Collections of marine organisms for radio-

biological analyses

following the Redwing
The 1956

also were made in the

western Pacific

(1956) and Hardtack

(1958) test series.

collection was

Foundation at Saipan,

made by the



George Vanderbilt
Yap and Palau and was

sent to the Hanford Atomic Products Operation laboratories

for analysis.

The results have been published by Thomas et al.

Following Hardtack the

made six collections

George Vanderbilt Foundation

(at three-month intervals)

Palau and the Gulf of Siam.

at Guam,

These collections were sent to

the Laboratory of Radiation Biology for analysis.
There was also another sampling program for radiobiological analyses made at the time of Hardtack.

A series of col-

lections of tuna

and Indian

from the

western Pacific

Oceans were made by the Japanese.

One-half of the samples,

which were obtained at the port of landing in Japan, were
sent to the Laboratory of Radiation Biology for analysis.
The analyses made by the National Institute of Health,

have been reported by Kawabata (1960).



The present report will be confined to the results of

studies made at the ten

one test site island


islands and the

shown in Figure l, during a period which

three nuclear

testing programs at the



Select target paragraph3