
noted: w281,185 contributed the major portion of the radio-

activity in Scaevola leaves from Kusaie and in Messerachmidia
and Scaevola leaves from Ujelang


t al. 1959), and


65 was predominant in fish tissues from Ponape and Utirik.

Co?’ was present usually in lesser amounts,

and co?8 ana C099

were found only in a sample of clam kidney from Ujelang and a
fish liver sample from Utirik.

Other radioisotopes were

present only in a few samples.


in plants

for example, was found

from Kapingamarangi and Utirik,

a few samples from Kusaie,

cel41, 144_p,144 in

Ponape and Ujelang,

and mn>4 in

fish skin and gut from Ponape and clam kidney from Ujelang.
Pe? was detected once only,

in a sample of skipjack muscle

from Ponape.
The quantitative results of the gamma spectrum analyses

shown in Table 3 are based on analyses made approximately
eighteen months after the samples were collected; consequently

the shorter-lived radioisotopes Zr95-nb?°

(71 days)


(40 days)

(half life 65 days),

and cel4i

(32 days) had

decayed to insignificant or non-detectable levels.

Ina 16l-

gram sample of yellow-fin tuna from Ponape, however, Zr’”-Nb
were found in low amounts

(0.12 pyc/g at time of counting);

at time of collection the level of z2r95-nb95 would have been
40 pyc/g.

K49 was present in all samples analyzed.

In some


Select target paragraph3