Comaunity Development Office

box 66, Majuro,

April 25,1973

Captain Gay, DMA

Dr. Maxwell, fA

Dr. Forster, UBER

Box 808, Livermore, California
Dear W alt:


Mr. McCraw, DOSff

Dr.Walter E.Nervik L~231

University of California
Lawrence Livermore Radiation

Marshall islands

The copy of Dr. Tobin's final report
received here is not of reprcoduceau:
quality. We are asking LLL to prepe
copies for distribution at May 22

meeting and Some extras for here, 1
opy we have may be borrowed.

Enclosed is the final copy of my report titled The Enewetak People:
Report For The Radiolovical Survey of 1972-73.

You will note that I have added a map of Ujilang Atoll and additional data
including a parse on the Enewetak gene pool. Othzr data have been added to
the report submitted previously and changes hava been made for better
reportage. Names have been added to the map of iinewoakk as well.

This report therefore supersedes the one which I summitted to you previously
and tiaich you circulated miong the evaluation group and others. Please
notify these people that this report is the final one and supersedes the
copy that they may have. The Latter should be taken out of circulation.
We ars preparing for the Enewetak Rehabilitation Planning Meeting to be
held here next week. Six Ujilang (fnewetak) leaders will arrive this weekend
perhaps. The American participants will start arriving next Sunday.
Feeling is high against the PACE Project. It might be well for the AEC
representatives to explain their position in this situation. As I wrote

you previously the Jjilang (inewetak) People apparently lump ASC and PACS
in one destructive category.
I will be waiting to hear from you in regard the final report, as I wrote

you Last week,



Jack Ag Tobin

Deputy High Comaissioner
District Adsasinistrator
Dr... Barr £--—

CDO File
Attach: As Stated



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