

Intensities of radiation within such areas may be

assumed to be

least on the edges and greatest toward the cente#, but actual
levels will have to be determined by radiological]
The following principles should be borne

$n mind in

developing civil defense plans:
A. Evacuation
Advisory Bulletin No. 158 and Supplement


il, indicate

that the feasibility of evacuation is for city dekermination and
recommend that each city study its own problems

d develop

evacuation plans in accordance with certain princkEples which are

Megaton range weapons with their grehter blast and

thermal damage areas emphasize the initial objective of evacuation
which is to escape these effects,

Residual radiafion hazards from

fallout may be avoided to a considerable degree b¥

the extension

of the basic principles of evacuation planning,


with the location and designation of shelter and


The following principles are recommended f@r consideration
in adapting evacuation plans to the fallout threaq:
1. The fallout prediction plot will be useful in determining
the general direction and distance to move.


tion and quantitative appraisal will be possible
continued meteorological analysis of data on hand
they are obteined,

Bccurate predica result of
Bnd new data as

Since any prediction is susceptible to error,

however, post-attack actions which depend on freedbm from radiation
hazards should generally be initiated only on the

sis of

radiological monitoring results.
2. Several or year-round average data on wid directions
including high-level winds may be obtained from weg@ther stations
and will be useful in locating permanent installatfions, such 4s
control centers.

These date, however, should not fe used to

determine the direction of movement of people.
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Select target paragraph3