The Air Force is requested to develop a mutually acceptable
plan to reimburse the Defense Nuclear Agency for the
Eniwetok holding costs, except for military personnel,
for the second half of FY 1974 and to transfer appropriate
civilian manpower resources. Air Force should continue
to fund for any Air Force military personnel through FY 1974.
- As recommended in the Defense Nuclear Agency letter of

8 August 1973, DNA is authorized to continue to develop

and refine costs to cover the cleanup phase should it be
required in the FY 1975 Budget. Guidance concerning funding
responsibilities is expected from the Office of Management
and Budget in the near future.

~ In order to avoid future misconceptions, formalize an understanding with the Atomic Energy Commission of the role that
Agency will perform in the cleanup operations.





Dir, Joint Staff





Robert C. Bill
Assistant Secretaryof Defense
International Security Affairs

Select target paragraph3