
14 Jayuery 195%

5,000 - 10,000 feet and at a radius of thirty-two (22) statute
miles from zero. At H¢thirty (30) seconds, it will turn outbound and be at a range of forty (40) statute miles at the time

the blast wave vasses the aircraft. According to kr. 4Zwemer,
who states that APA is taking the best information evailable on

the PLY-2, the distance that, broadside, ore hundred

percent de«

sign limit load (DDL) would be reached from a uf & KE aur weavon

is twenty-four (24) statute miles.

At 14.2 miles, one would ex-

pect an aluminum skin temperature rise of 3000F, whichis egtimated to be a safe limit. I1t was anticivated that for -» 9 wemJ/ MT,

a rise in aircraft skin temperature of 150°F would be experienc~
ed at thirty miles. The equation used for heat inpus was Q/sec=



o OY


a where Q is in BTU/ft@ and K=.008/kiloft.


flight pattern at thirty-two (32) statute miles from zero was

agreed to by Lt. Col. Crosby as being satisfectory fron the TG

72+ standpoint.

At this point, Dr. Ogle stated thet he thought the fol-

lowing information should be made availabie to the positioning


It is possible that the CASTLE devices may go better

than the probable upper limits that have been publisned.
A re#
liable authority has stated that the devices may possibiy have

an upver limit of the following yields:



Dr. Ogle sugzested positioning for =-———«tased upon =——_—===


If uw~— gees as expected, around »-y -y, cw MT, then posi-

tioning on subsequent detonations could be made on t::e publish-

ed maximum probable yields and not on those shown above. Mr.
Janek stated he wovld have prepared an alternateplan to be used
~ Tependant upon the results Ofy ny
iooo ow # £
OD Ea we ae

The point was brought out that a crew unprotected from

thermal rediation can be the most limiting factor for close poe

Sitioning. For large yield weavons, eight to nine caleries/em@/
sec is about maximum tolerance for human skin.
Tnis, of course,
would be much teo high in the case of
Heat resistant
sur poans for the crews were recommended if close positioning was


5004 1b!



Select target paragraph3