

(2-6-56 )

FEB 2 7 1956

Dear idmivel Helen:

The Comission by letter dated cetober 17, 1955, inforsed the

bepartaent of Cefense of car intention to designate you asthe
fenler Atonic Energy Conninelon Representative at the Pacifie
'eoving Ground daring the operationsl phase ef Ogeratian 25~

BISG. By letter dated Jamary 20, 1956, the Comsleston pro
posedte the Dapertanat of Defense that Wareh 15, 1956, be the
stars of the operstionsl phase of REVSING and that your desig~

nation becone effeetiva on thetdete. Departeant of Defease
coueurrence in your designation and the starting date ofthe

aperstionsl phars was revelved on Jemexy 27, 1956.

to ashfor theCammtanionin
‘gtkneotere stish &
woesetei exeontion of Spers~
i oe Ths anthovity is oper siewal in nature end is

t intendiet te tranefer to you axy ofthe comtinsiag aieinis‘eagle bilition ef the Feuager, Santa Fo Goerations

Oetlee,or abe Zenagers Eebestek brash’ Offlec,or twnormal

reaponsitilitics for the tenledeal direwtion of the Loe Alans

Selentifie isberatery, the Uuiversity of Califernia Redintics

{iivereore), or theiy comtresters. Tho Comiseics

% commend channels te Atenic Energy Commission tontractore now im affees at the site be left is effectand used

aa fay aupracticable. rene enere.LenceerenesSe gen
expenditure of atonlc Energy Uornission fuads bayoadthe
_ a¥allableto thexanager, Genta fe OperationsOffice, 1wild
In the ereveian of
specific enttertiy
ink, by
» sink


your vespenaibilities you are dalagated the
exthorise acravete classified Uhimnamepersonnel poecsunsing an appropriate clear
a decree necessary for the vuseeentnl

fhe effuctive date ofyour authority, if sceepted, wildbe

wurveh 18, 1996. OGperetiqns] uncertainties make it ixposrible

to atete now the opact date fer teriination of this antheority.
we axpoct, however, thnt it will ecimeide with the termination
af the operational phase of Operation RES8TEG.



Select target paragraph3