hypertension, provide ample subject matter areas for starting.

The important

thing will be to make sure the programs are culturally sound and realistic.

(The last TT nutrition consultant who lectured to the people of Utirik did so
without mentioning a single food they had access to or cared for.

-18 can be

avoided by using Marshallese, whenever possible, in developing and delivering
the programs.)
Additionally, at first, it will be better to offer a few programs and make
each one a significant occurrence.

As the idea is understood and accepted,

can and should be offered on a frequent, regular basis,

fulltime staff person on each island.


further necessitating a

It is anticipated that specific prozrams

could be supported by grant funds from various sources, such as drug companies,
private foundations and several sources within HEW.
course, come from DOE to assure continuity.

Core support should, of

The educational program should

reach close to 100% of the population of each island within the first two to
three years.

Select target paragraph3