At this time,

there is no health education effort associated with the

Marshall Islands Study.

Dr. Jan Naidu (Safety and Environmental Protection,

Brookhaven National Laboratory) has begun a well-received program to explain the

effects of radiation in man.

A companion effort mounted by the Medical Program

will be directed towards education for the most common pathologic conditions

(diabetes, high blood pressure, malnutrition, and dental problems).

This will

help the Marshallese understand the relationship of exposure to radioactive

material in perspective with their overall health.
To be successful,

the program must involve Marshallese, as much as

possible, from the beginning.

In fact,

the program should eventually be run

entirely by Marshallese, with BNL personnel serving only in an advisory

Competent indigenous health facilitators can be developed more easily

than almost any other allied health profession with a minimum dollar investment.
There is consiierable interest now in expanding the Marshall Islands

This is an ideal time to begin an entirely new thrust.

It has been

shown in the past that the people do not understand BNL's role and
responsibility without ongoing meetings and explanations.
that need is met in a structured,

responsible manner.

This would assure

Select target paragraph3