All screening, diagnosis and treatment for radiation-related diseases,


well as all other primary care problems shall become the responsibility of the
new Marshall Islands Health Care Delivery System.
The population concerned shall be all Marshallese exposed to radiation lev-

els above those ambient for Micronesia.
We would anticipate that such a program would be subcontraced to
specialists in this area, since the Marshallese do not possess the required,expertise.
The new Marshallese government would, undoubtedly, insist that the U.S.
government fund

such a program - at

a cost greatly exceeding our

present annual

In addition, there is a very good possibility that the subcontractors
would include some of the strongly anti-nuclear groups from Japan and the U.S.
that have been

trying to get access

to those


for years.

Their biased reports would probably result in severe world criticism and

an escalation in litigation.

Select target paragraph3