ALE gadivtion rebated diseases in the exposed and control groups on Rungelap and

Uticth plus all iow level radiation exposed pattents who have already yone
through full screening - irrespective of

findings of disease

Establish che broad objectives

As in Options A and & bue adding
all patients, exposed to low level


Existing Potlcy

As in Options A and B,
Thia option refleces exis¢ ing

sereening will be modifted as derailed

de facto fleld policy.

Hobbins and tall.

Existing needs and demands
As in Option A and B.
Adding a

for the "Wirected data base - risk
hazard appraisal" approach of

portion of the Bikint populetion wl)l
probably not fulfith the Marshallese
demands or needs.
Projected needs and demands
As in Option A and &
It scems

probable that we will be unable co

separate, for medical purpases,
the Bikini people who returned to
Bikini from the remainder on Kilé.
The Eniwetok people will probably
alse demand equal treatmenc.
Planning ar ather levels

43 in Option A and 8.



congressional groups (Yates

Committee - on appropriations,

etc.) are interested in and investigating the well-being of
the Marshallese.

Existing facilities
As in Option A and 8.
A redesign and construction of o flexible,
mobile screening and treatment support

facility - would in che long run
increase efficiency and reduce


As in option A and B.

The signifi-

cant variable will be the (7) addition of the people of
Bikint and Enlwecok.

As in Option A and 8B.
Aguin the additLon of Bikini and
Enivetok would more than double the outpatient load.
However, the staif could
probably handle the increased load wich che addition of a Physician Assistant
ead a nurse praccitioner.


DemographicPopulut lon
As in Uption ASB.




[6 Oprion A and &,


No further constraines (optimum timing).

Plus 41! patients (exposed ta lew lovel cuddatio) previously

Adding Bikans

(450) 4 Poiwetuk



ILI, Tranalations

As in Gptions A and B.

rudiation, who have already yone

through the BNL screening procedures.
This represencgs the current level of
uperation. In the future, the


Present levels of care

Restatement: of
reflned objectives
in constderacton
of restraints.
As in Options A and
B - Since this {3 our

present level of
operation with existing
funds - no significant
Cranskation of
objectives fs necded.



Develop possible approaches tu
attaining the objectives, with
each approach being stated in
terma of:

AS in Options A and Bb.


As in Options A and B, -

Selection Criteria

Set forth che criteria for

the selection of an approach:

_ Performance or results
As in Options A and B.


As in Options A and B.


- low: for discussion of costs.

ay TW,

plus all patlents, exposed
to low level radiation who huve
already gone through BNL


sctatuy of Blkinl and Eniwetok
will change requirements.

and manpower} + permits betrer acheduling,

screening procedure - again

As in Options A and B plus Kili, Jaluic, 7?
Enivetok ? Ujelang.

As in Optiona A and B.

How: Tf the patient loud Ls
doubled and increased,
primary care la expected.
There will need to be upproxi-

mately a doubling of the operat
ing budgec with a 66% Increase
in personnel and a ship
assigned specifically to the

medical program.

Ic would de

prudent ta separate the
idencify of rhe BikiniEniwetok group from BNL We could retain administrative concrei and
function as advisors, but
a subconmtractor might
alleviate some of the

unxtety of the new study
group that would arise from
the “radiation” oriented
BNL group. We would suggest
the University of Hauwali as
the most suitable and interested party.
Funding for

this increase in primary care
might be obtained hy pass~

through funding from DOI.

As in Options A and & - Increasing EFlexibllicy due ro
larger responsibility for care and betcer support (logistic

Avofdance of untoward congcquences

As in Opetons A and B - plus added credit tor more

comprehensive care,

As in Options A and & - With increasing volume of
patient care che pussibility of ut.
-loor poor
performance may increase - 7?)
vente - thls
cun be offsec by adequate planning audi iugistie

supporr - Expanded operations withour these elements
should not be attempted.

As in Oprions A and B.


As in Options A and B.
This Ls the optimum rime, in Lighe
of the political and soctologle situation in the Marshalls
to enlarge the progrum and to make a positive effurt to
change the image of the study.

Select target paragraph3