part their perception of the evil of Soviet totalitarianism and


the need to resist its growth.

But we deny their assumption that

military power is the essential, "realistic" means of dealing
with this problem.

We deny their assumption that the massive

engine of modern war can be applied rationally,
achieve democratic ends.

or controlled to

We believe that war strenghtens

totalitarianism everywhere.

We believe an end to the spread

of totalitarianism and the defense of our nation depends
primarily on a constructive program for peace.

And we have seen

that a constructive program for peace cannot be carried on
simultaneously with a program for military preparedness.
We believe that all which is most valuable in our heritage would
be better protected if the effort,




intelligence devoted to preparation for war were used to develop
a program of non-violent national defense, and the constructive

programs American leaders talk of but do not undertake.


interested in our reasoning and the elements of our program for
peace are referred to publications like the American Friends

Service Committee's studies, "Speak Truth to Power", and "Steps
to Peace", and to

recent speeches by General Omar Bradley and

Cyrus Eaton.
But our aétion here focuses on the bomb tests themselves.


believe many who do not yet fully reject reliance on military
power do see wisdom in America's stopping these tests,
first step in a major effort to reverse the arms race.

risk is involved.

No inspection is necessary.

has said it is willing to stop tests.
not respond to America's action,

as the
No vital

The Soviet Union

If the Soviet Union did

the Soviet Union,

not the United

States, would be regarded by mankind as the nation that refused
to end the radiation danger and help move the world toward peace,


Select target paragraph3