


Multiple Address



Discussion of results of available corrective sction on doses
shown inl, c.

Radiological Implications of Duta Obtained from the Survey

Presentation und discussion of the radiation exposure criteria

against which survey findings will be compared,

Comparison of survey findings with radiation exposurecriteria,


Identification of specific areas where the comparisonof
survey findings with radiation exposure criteria suggest a

need for corrective action, and assessment of the effeetiveness of proposed corrective action in reducing exposures,
Judgments and Kecommended Actions
It is planned that the final chapter of the Radioicgical Survey Report
be written in such a say that it can be used, with only miner moditication, as Section | of the Task Group document, Similarly, Section 3
of the Task Group documentis to be written in such a form that it
can be used directly as part of a Commission document reeommending

action to be taken by DNA,

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Since it is expected that the surveyfindings will be available to the
Drafting Group on Octoher |, we propose to have a draft copy of the
Task Group document readyfor distribution on October 15, Allowing
two weeks for distribution and for receipt of comments, the Drafting
Group will meet in Germantown on October 29 to prepare the final

document for distribution on Novemberlt.
One of the key actions that must be taken if the above schedule is to
be met is to obtain an early agreement on the approach to be used in
development of recommenditions and specifically on the use to be
made of currciut guidance on radiation protection, The Drafting Group
discussed this, and 2greed that Section 2.4 of the report, dealing with
criteria for cleanup, should be drafted and circulated immediately
for review and comment, This has been done, and 4 draft of that section is enclosed for your consideration,

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