established Danger Zone.

The boundaries of the Danger Zone were extended

considerably following BRAVO,
The Air Control System for aircraft used on CASTLE was of an advanced

It proved considerably superior to the systems used on previous


Prior to CASTLE there had never been a positive Air Control

System in the Pacific Proving Ground during a shot series.

The Air Opera-

tions Center (AOC) and the USS ESTES exercised positive control of all
aircraft in the Proving Ground and at all times knew the location of every
participating aircraft.

This was made possible by the installation of

IFF scopes in the Air Operations Center and on the USS ESTES.

This in- ;

stallation gave the control centers (the AOC and the Combat Information
Center on the USS ESTES) the capability of directing the aircraft and of
ascertaining their location in case of any emergency.

This new system

will be adapted for use on all future tests, both overseas and continental.
(For additional information on this system see the FinalReport of the

Commander, Air Task Group 7.4, Operation CASTLE.)
Participation of the Air Force in Operation CASTLEwas of great benefit, particularly in the field of increased knowledge of weapon effects
on aircraft.


Details of this knowledge will be found in the text.

Task Group 7.4 personnel affiliated with the Air Control System were
generally in agreement that the only possible improvement to the System
used on CASTLE would be the addition of a GCI (Ground Controlled

Intercept) .



Select target paragraph3