On 17 September, General Maddux contacted General Estes concerning
the capability of C-54's and C~124's to operate in and out of Bikini.
His letter stated that
eee CH54 aircraft can operate into and out of Bikini from
either Kwajalein or Eniwetok, and carry the structural strength

allowable cabin load, which is approximately 14,000 pounds (zero

fuel weight of C-54G, 67,700 pounds less the basic operating

weight, 46,000). The C-124 aircraft load limitations on this
short segment operation are based on the maximum permissible land-

ing weight (160,000 pounds) which limits the allowable load into
and out of Bikini to approximately 30,000 and 25,000 pounds, respectively. This holds true whether operating from Kwajalein or
Eniwetok. The above allowable loads are based on refueling

either at Kwajalein or Eniwetok. The flight plan and gas load
computations based on MATS requirements which provide two hours
of holding over Eniwetok or Kwajalein on their return from
Bikini, plus 10 percent of en route fuel requirements.”




After surveying emergency landing possibilities in all areas of F-84

operation, General Estes wrote Colonel Murray Bywater, Deputy Air Force

Commander for JIF SEVEN, that any fighter landing on the 4,500 foot Bikini
strip would have to perform a wheels-up landing, damaging the aircraft and
possibly injuring the pilot.

Unlike the B-47 which landed at Roi Island

in Kwajalein Atoll during IVY, the F-84's had no drogue .chutes to slow

them down.

General Estes' suggestion to grade and smooth a thousand feet

at the east end of the runway was approved by higher headquarters and ac~
tion gotten under way in October.

Once completed, this grading lengthened

the serviceable portion of the runway from 4,500 to 5,500 feet.
was increased to 125 feet.

an excellent investment.

The width

The extension of the Bikini airstrip proved

Two sampler aircraft, forced to make emergency

landings on the Bikini strip, were saved from possible destruction.


had a rough engine and the other had trouble with a fuel feed.)


Select target paragraph3