This report comprises e handbook which was intended to be used
by technical representatives from the United Nations Scientific
Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation during a demonstration

of a low fission to fusion yield explosion at the Eniwetok Proving

The handbook includes the operational concept and detailed

technical descriptions of the methods of measurement which were to

be used to determine the total energy release and the fission energy

The total energy release was to be measured by rate of

fireball growth measurements , and is described in the section entitled

Fireball Determination of Total Yield@ prepared by Dr. Lewis Fussell
of Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier, Inc.

‘The fission yield was to

pe determined by s radiochefical methud and is described in Chapter
III prepared by Dr. Roger Batzel of the University of California

Radiation Leboratory.
This demonstration shot, designated Pinon, wes cancelled on

July 26, 1958.

However, because the techniques described here had

not been published previously it was considered desirable to publish
the handbook.

Technicel Director

Select target paragraph3