"United States Naval Administration of the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands" by Drothy E. Richard, Conmander, USN (published

by the Office of Naval Operations) is in three (3) volumes.
volumes can be found at the Pearl Harbor Library; Catalogue Number


Volume I - The Wartime Military Government Period, 1942-1945,
Part I - Planning and Organization
II - Invasion and Occupation
Military Government Policy
IV - Military Government in the Field

(Subject Index lists Bikini Atoll, as follows:
law and order; magistrate; occupation of)

Volume II - The Postwar Military Government Era, 1945-1947,
Part I - Immediate Postwar Problems
II - Naval Administration
III - Native Administration

(Subject Index does not list Bikini Atoll.)

Volume III - The Trusteeship Period, 1947-1951,

Part I - Trusteeship
II - Naval Civil Administration
ITI - Naval Command
IV - Native Administration
V - Social Rehabilitation
VI - Economic Rehabilitation
VII - The Health Program
VIII - The Education Program
IX - Functions of Trusteeship
X - Completion of the Navy Mission
(Chapter XXVI, titled "Relocation of Peoples" describes at
length the process of relocating Bikini People.)

(Subject Index lists Bikini Aroll, as follows:

Atom proving ground; board of investigation; description;
High Commissioner; removal of people to Rongerik; to
Kwajalein; to Kili; study of.)

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