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health problems such as cancer, the sociological aspects were mentioned.
Knowing of your interests at the time of the meeting probably wouldn't have
helped much except that the next day I talked to several persons directly
involved in the radiological surveys, communications with the Marshallese
about relocation, etc. However, I could have supplied you specific
information about ERDA's role and the status of the Bikini problem which
might have been useful in preparation of your letter to Joe Maher, pernaps
making jt more effective in eliciting a response (hopefully, a positive
one). On earlier cccasions I participated in discussions of Enewetak.
I do not know how far ERDA intends to go with regard to the sociological
aspects of the Marshallese problem. I think those of us who have attended
meetings on the subject of rehabilitation of those islands agree that the
sociological aspects probably outweigh the potential medical problems in
arriving at a solution to the question of the final disposition of these
Trust Territory islands.
I am enclosing a copy of a booklet prepared by ERDA to explain to the
Marshallese people the potential radiation problem. It is a good example

of the difficulties involved in dealing with the issue.
finished please return it to my office.

When you are

Please let me know whether you receive a reply from Joe Maher. I am
willing to discuss your interests with Joe and others at ERDA including
Jim Liverman. However, I believe they are more interested in a solution
to the problem than in taking advantage of a unique opportunity to
systematically investigate the processes associated with rehabilitation of
a society of people. Thus, to arouse their genuine interest you will need
to develop a different approach from that in your letter. You will have
to define the problem and propose research that will solve it. For example,
what should ERDA do to help the U.S. meet responsibilities to the Marshallese?
This requires determining what action is in the best interest of the Marshallese
and the U.S.


Select target paragraph3