Program Studies on the Fundamental Effects of Radiation upon
Aquatic Animals

During the fiscal year of 1953-1954 work in other areas
and in field-work planning necessitated the curtailment of
a portion of this program.

However, progress was made in

completing the work initiated in previous years and on current

Biological effects of X-rays on invertebrates

The major current research deals with the lethal effects
of X-rays upon the embryological development of the freshwater snail, Helisoma.

Documentary photomicrographs recording

development of irradiated and control egg masses were reviewed

and the results summarized for tabulation.

Further irradia-

tion experiments were conducted in an effort to reduce varia-

bility or experimental error.

Eggs undergoing the


cleavage were stained in order to relate the mitotic phases

to certain characteristic stages in the microscopic appearance
of the cleaving egg.

During the summer a report of this

experiment will be ready for publication.
Early this fiscal year installation was completed on

the beryllium-window X-ray unit, which expedited both radiobiological and roentgenographic experiments.

Incidental to

this activity a paper ‘© on the radiography of small fishes for
meristic studies was published in August 1953.

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