
Management programs for increasing salmon popu-

lations in the Northwest where depleted by toxic



Study of the effects of ionizing radiation on

gametes of salmon

Program of studies involving genetic problems
in salmonoids

Field Studies--Radiobiological studies of the con-

tamination of Eniwetok and Bikini


1954 spring series of weapons tests with the field
portion of the radiobtological investigations
starting in March and continuing, with constant

for twelve months


Laboratory investigations involving uptake and
biological cycling of radioactive materials


Studies and plans for future Pacific tests and

Cooperative Studies--Consultative and cooperative
services with General Electric Company Radiological
Sciences Department and the Hanford Operations


Furnishing experimental stock for the Hanford

Works aquatic biology program

Final rearing and release of fingerlings exposed

to pile effluent waters at the Hanford Works
Aquatic Biology Laboratory


Provision of facilities and services to accommodate return of Hanford effluent exposed salmon


Other related services as requested by General


Electric and agreeable to the University of

Services to the Commission through the Hanford
Operations Office:

Training schools in radiation measurement


Information as requested

Select target paragraph3