facilities fields of emphasis must be subject to change as the
occasion arises.
The areas of effort have been defined in the contracts

along the following general lines.

To conduct studies on the immediate and continued
effects of radiation and radioactive materials on
living organisms.
Aquatic life will be used for
the most part, but fauna and flora existing adjacent
to an aquatic environment also will be studied, as
overlapping problems make such studies necessary.

Laboratory studies of a fundamental nature on
the effects of radiation and radioactive materials
on aquatic life will be continued at the Applied
Fisheries Laboratory.
Field studies on the broad aspects of radiation

and radioactive contamination of fauna and flora
will be carried on at field laboratories where
atomic bombs are tested, such as those at Bikini
and Eniwetok Atolls.

Studies on the effects of radiation and radioactive

materials will be conducted in cooperation with the

Aquatic Biology Group, General Electric Company,
Nucleonics Division,

Hanford Works.

Areas of mutual

interest will be explored so as to use the unique
facilities and personnel available at each of the
Laboratories in a complementary fashion.

Laboratory Studies--Effects of radiation and radioactive materials on aquatic life

Effects of ionizing radiation on various stages
of development of salmonoids.


Effects of ionizing radiation on organisms other
than fish


Experiments with chinook salmon eggs and young in
water of various temperatures


Experiments planned with various racial stocks of

salmon on conditions for spawning and reproduction

Select target paragraph3