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Cooperative Studies

Some of the experiments at the Laboratory are conducted
in cooperation with the Hanford Works,

since the two facilities

working together provide much of the desired equipment,


and experienced personnel necessary to the accomplishment of

these experiments.

Portions of the project are carried on in

one laboratory for a time and then continued by transferring
the animals to the other laboratory for further development.

Parts B. and C. of this section are projects of this type.

Temperature experiment with chinook salmon
The third and final phase of the temperature experiment

with chinook salmon eggs and‘was initiated in September.
This phase of the work varied from what has been done previously
in that four instead of one race of salmon were used and in
that the temperatures changed with the season instead of remaining constant.

Observations are being made of mortality, rate

of development,
growth rate,

occurrence of morphological abnormalities,

and variation in meristic characters both within

and between racial groups.
the first of May.

The experiment will be concluded

Tabulathon of some of the data from the

earlier experiments has been completed.

Analyses of the

remaining data and a report upon the entire experiment are
expected to be completed during the next fiscal year.

Select target paragraph3