
Dr. Robert Conrad


Assuming that a systemic plutonium body burden of 40000 pCi exposes the
bone to 29 rem per year, 130 pCi would correspond to an exposure
% O.1 rem per year to the bone. To me, this is an insignificant exposure. .
All of the above discussion is based on the assumption of uptake of
soluble plutonium into the blood stream. I have difficulty in imagining
how such a continuous soluble exposure could occur. Inhalation is a
possible route of exposure, but the long hold up times for insoluble
plutonium in the pulmonary
region and lymph nodes would make detection
by urine sampling difficult (to <a-ythe least) after only three years
of potential exposure.
As indicated in our phime conversation our concern about plutonium
exposures at LASL are at a much higher level than those expected for
the Bikini natives. The urine and fecal sampling programs at LASL is
given in the accompanying document, LA-3836-SOP. An early version of
the computer program we use to compute systemic body burden from urine
assays is described in the accompanying reprint. A later version of the
computer code’is currently in use, but still in development, and has not
yet been documented.
The urine analysis technique at LASL does not claim the sensitivity you
quoted from the Health and Safety Lab in New York. However, it has
been published in Health Physics 11, 737-742 (1965) by Campbell and
Moss. The following slight modif~~ation has been added to the published
procedure: “Hydgroen peroxide in small quanities is added to the ash
solution before the ion exchange steps to ensure formation of tetravalent plutonium, elution is accomplished with 0.36 ~HCl - 0.01 ~HF.”
We also discussed correcting low volume urine samples to true 24 hr
excretion. I indicated that I had reservations about appl,yingsuch
corrections for natives of on Bikini atoll, and I still entertain such
reservations. However, in answer to your inquiries on ways to correct,
Group H-5 has developed the folIowing techniques for use here at LASL,
using data collected under controlled conditions: Corrections are made
by estimating the “elapsed time” (minutes) represented by the sample
analyzed, and multiplying the amount of plutonium determined in the
—--—_—-urine by
Creatinine method:
Elapsed time (rein)= 73 + 0.69 X (mg creatinine in sample)
Specific Gravit,y-Volumemethod
Elapsed time (rein)= 21220 X (spec. gravit,y- 1) + Volume (cm3)
of sample - 415.

Select target paragraph3