

Dr. Robert A. Conard


June 19, 1975

AS you know, all of the foregoing discussion pertains
to our particular measurement system using an array of thin
crystal Phoswi.Ch detectors posi~ioned about the head in a
geometry specific to these counting techniques.
all of the foregoing measurements were performed inside of
our whole-body counter facility.
I do not know what the
background would be aboard ship, however, our familiarity
with this detector system has pr,oven to us that these ‘thin
crystal detectors are quite directional in response “and,
therefore, can easily be shielded by “shadowing” techniques.
We would be interested in assisting you with these
measurements and are eager to take an active part in this
area of your future proposed measurements.
Please let me
know if you require additional specifics including budgetary
We look forward
considerations and man-time expenditures.
to continued cooperation.

Norman, Cohen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor


Dr. Stanton Cohn
Dr. Merri.1 Ei.senbud
Dr. Gerard Laurer

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