

What were the circumstances surrounding radiation exposure of these


On March 1, 1954, a thermonuclear weapon of about 15 megatons total
yield was detonated on a coral surface at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall

Because of an unexpected shift in wind direction, the fallout

pattern differed slightly from the one predicted.

As a result, radio=

active particles fell on Rongelap Atoll about 100 miles east of Bikini.
As soon ag it was learned what had happened, the Rongelap population
was evacuated to Kwajalein, 300 miles away.

A naval medical team flew

' to Kwejalein from Washington to examine and care forthem,

What was the estimated whole body dose received?
The average whole body dose was approximately 175 roentgens.


What medical assistance has AEC given?
Since the time of the incident the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands have sponsored annual

medical surveys of the exposed people and have collaborated in seeing
that their medical needs have been met.


Who runs these surveys?
The surveys are headed by Dr. Robert A, Conard of the Medical Research

Center at AEC's Brookhaven National Laboratory.

What was the thyroid dose received by the exposed adults?
The dose to the thyroid glands of the adults from the radiotodines
absorbed was estimated to be about 150 to 160 rem.



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