of so small a crater and it proved impossible to run cross wind in sufficiently straight courses to make taut wire measurements effective;

hence, for two of the three runs a modified procedure was developed on
the spot by which the boat's anchor cable was marked off, the boat was
allowed to drift across the crater, and was then pulled back by the
anchor winch.

;9The post-Shot 3 aerial survey was made a few days after the shot

but prior to Shot 4. From this survey a post-shot contour map showing,
of ‘course, only the section above the waterline was constructed.
<< The post-Shot 3 fathometer survey was made on 1 May, the 24th

day after the shot.

Shot 4 had intervened and the water-wave resulting

from Shot |oy had washed over the lip of the Shot 3 crater. This had the
effect of! smoothing and lowering the lip to an unknown extent (believed
to be slight); filling in the bottom of the crater and reducing the

level of radioactivity. During the crater survey, the radiation level
10 ft above thewater surface was about 50 mr/hr and above the lip 1500

mr/hr to 3500 mr/hr,

In the postshot survey in the vicinity of Shot 4 there was a

Similar pressure of time. A barge was being put into place for a later
shot and it was impossible to approach close to the presumed center of

the Shot 4 crater. Three taut wire runs were obtained but for the reason just stated all are chords rather than diameters. Additional data

in regard to this crater. were obtained from the Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, who had ruma-fathometer survey two days previously to
permit assurance to the captain?‘of the USS Curtiss that it was safe for
the ship to proceed into the area,. The fathometer surveys in this area,
as in the other craters, showed-‘a@ very flat bottom, obviously the result of filling-in of-md or fine sand to obscure the bottom of the
crater. In addition to the fathometer data, information regarding
lead-line depth and length of chain,og buoys and moors was obtained
from the H&N group responsible for PHacempnt of the barge for the later


Select target paragraph3