
oject 3.2, like most other projects, could not have been accom-

plished without extensive support both in the forward area and in the
preparation ‘stage on the continent. The generous and effective assist-

ance of both the military and Atomic Energy Commission organizations is
gratefully. acknowledged.
In the’ planning and preparation stage, personnel of the Office of
Naval Research|‘((ONR), including Mr. J. W. Smith in Washington and the
San Francisco: Qffice under CAPT K. V. Dawson, were very helpful in suggestions and’ arrangements for many pieces of borrowed equipment. Through
ONR's assistance the Coast Guard generously loaned the project taut wire
reeling and measuring equipment and supplied the wire. The Navy Elec-

tronics San Diego supplied a fathometer and was of great
help in re-reelingthe wire and supplying a generator panel, the need
for which was discovered. very late in the preparations.

The Naval Air Missile’ ‘Test Station at Point Mugu and the Bureau of

Aeronautics generously loaned Raydist equipment which proved to be of
considerable aid in the hydrograph survey involved in this project. The

group from the Raydist Navigation Corporation under Mr. Vernon Haywood,

which was in the forward area as ‘a part of Project 6.1, was very helpful in giving advice, loaning“equipment, and assisting in computation.

The assistance of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP)
throughout the project was very

made available the trailer which


In the planning stage, AFSWP

housed ve major elements of the equip|

The Army Map Service, which assigned Mr. W. R. Seestrom to the pro-

ject, performed all the photogrammetry
provided much assistance both
in the planning and the execution of theproject.
The aerial photography was performed by the Lookout Mountain Laboratories whose personnel were helpful and cooperative at all times.

Navy Task Group 7.3 generously provided LCU 1348, commanded by Mr.

K. Gordon, Chief Quartermaster.

The attitude and performance of the

whole crew was one of participation rather than mere service.
The assistance of Holmes and Narver, Inc., the general contractors,
was excellent at all times. Particular acknowledgment is-made to the
survey group in that organization under Mr. Martin Curran, who provided
the lead line soundings included in the reported data. |< —

The technical project group consisted of Dr. R. B.‘Vaile , Project
Officer, Messrs. S.C. Ashton, C.T. Vincent, C.C. Hughes, V.E.! Krakow,
and G. W. Pippin, of Stanford Research Institute, together withMr.
Seestrom of the Army Map Service.


Select target paragraph3