Robert E, Miller



July 2, 1969

The present estimate for completion of the cleanup pro-

gram te September 1, 1969, with rollup to be accomplished

by September 15. The detailed scope of the program is

defined in the Hem of Understanding dated April 29, 1969,
and jointly signed et Bikini Atoll by Col. J. W. Rawlings,
GITG 8.8; Joseph W. Merrill, AKC Beputy; and Dr. Jack Tobin,

Trust Territory Representative.


‘The official estimate is

I expreased the view that the cleanup work

as presently scoped could probably be completed for less
then the estimate cf $1,300,000; however, I pointed out
that any revision tc thie eetimate wuld have to com
from Adairal Mustin as Project Manager.



The problem of a full-time Trust Territory Representative
et Bikini was discussed. dr. Johneton agreed that such «
representative should be on the eite on a full-time basis
and gaid be would examine this subject when be arrived
et Saipan om June 30. I explained that the DOD and the
ARC both bad full-time representatives aad that I thought

it was essential the Trust Territory heve similar repre-

sentation, Mr. Johnston semed surprised to leern
Be. Tobin hed recent ly left the eiteend that a replacement fcr hie hed not been designated as fer as we knew.

In looking beyond complation cf the clegnup prograa, I
suggested tit the Trust Territory might want support
from the ABC contractor (QI). I said we would be glad
tc discuss any such request from the Trust Territory,
but we should do so well shead cf Septeaber 1 — geome
time in Juiy. Mr. Johaston said he appreciated this
offer end was very soch interested in pursuing {t, but
could not d> go until he had returned to Saipan and discuseed the subfect with his etaff there. We can axpect
to. hear further froaa hha on this gubjact.


IF also mentioned that any equipment or other assets
(DCD <r AEC) presently on Bikini Atoll which the Trust
Zerritory wanted left after completion of the cleanup

program ghzuld be identified and formally requested well

aneed of September 1


gomn tiae in July.

I expressed

the view that detailed decisions regarding specific items
of equipment should be made at the jobeite efter an cverall policy agreement hed been reached by Headquertere of
the Trust Torritory, the AEC and tie BOD regarding teras
and conditions of transfer. Mr. Jchastoo seid he felt
gure the Trust Territory vented ge of the asecta left

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C-318 (Rev, 9-53)


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