

Wehave been greatly saddened bythe recent
deaths of several individuals in the Marshall Islands who have contributed much to the surveys:

Mr. E. Libby, Drs. A. Hicking and T. Ishoda,
and Mr. M. Lacjohn. Weexpress our heartfelt appreciation for all they did for us.

1. Hatzec. A.M., Health survey of the Trust Territory

of the Pacific Islands, U.S. 4rmea Forces Med. J. 10:
1199-222 (1959).
2. Cronkite, E.P. et av., Some Effects ofIonizing Radiation

15. Conarp, R.A., The biological hazardsof a fallout
field, in Radtoactivity in Man, pp. 249-65, G.R.
Meneely. Editor, Thomas, Springfield, [ll 1961.
16. Sutow, W.W., Conarp, R.A., anD GrirFitH, K.M.,
Growth status of children exposed tofallout radiation on Marshall Islands, Pedtatrics 36: 721-31 (1965).
. Conarp, R.A. anp Hicxine, A., Medical findings in

Marshallese people exposed to fallout radiation: Re-

sults from a ten-year study, /.d.M.A. 192: 457-9
. Ratt, J.E. anp Conarp, R.A., Elevation of the serum
protein-bound iodine level in inhabitants of the
Marshall Islands, Amer. j. Med. 40: 883-6 (1966).
. Conary, R.A., Ratt, J.E., anp Sutow, W.W., Thy-

5385, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,

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in a Marshall Islands population exposed in 1954, .V.
Engl. J. Med. 274: 1392-9 (1966).
20. Rosains, J., Rati, J.E., anD Conarp, R.A.. Late
effects of radioactive iodine in fallout, Ann. Intern.

3. Bonn, V.P., Conarp, R.A., Ropertson, J.S., AND
Wepen, E.A. JRr., Medical Examination of Rongelap
People Six Months After Exposure to Fallout, WT-937,

i. Conarp, R.A., Sutow, W.W., Corcock, B.P.,
Dosyns, B.M., anv Pactia, D.E., Thyroid nodules
as a late effect of exposure to fallout, in Radtatzon-

on Human Beings: A Report on the Marshallese and Amercans Acctdentally Exposed to Radiation Fallout and a Drscusston ofRadiation Injury in the Human Being, AEC-TID

D.C., 1956.

Operation Castle Addendum Report 4.1A, April

4. Cronxrre, E.P. et av., Twelve-Month Postexposure Surveyon Marshallese Exposed to Fallout Radiation, BNL 384

(T-71), Aug. 1955.

5. Conarn, R.A. et at., Medical survey of Marshallese

twoyears after exposureto fallout radiation, /.4.4.4.
164: 1192 (1957); BNL 412 (T-80), March 1956.

6. Conarb, R.A. Et AL., March 1957 Medical Survey of
Rongelap and U'turtk People Three Years After Exposure to
Radioactive Fallout, BNL 501 (T-119), June 1958.

7. Conard, R.A. ET av., Medical Survey of Rongelap People,
March 1958, Four Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL

334 (T-135), May 1959.
8. Conarp, R.A. Et AL., Medical Survey of Rongelap People
Five and Six Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL 609

(T-179), Sept. 1960.

9. ConarD, R.A. ET AL., Medical Survey of Rongelap People
Seven Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL 727 (T-260),

May 1962.

10. Conarp, R.A. ET aL., Medical Survey of Rongelap People
Eight Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL 780 (T-296),

Jan. 1963.

11. Conarp, R.A. Et Av., Medical Survey of the People of
Rongelap and Utirtk Islands Nine and Ten Years After Exposure to Fallout Radiation (March 1963 and March 1964),

BNL 908 (T-371), May 1965.
12. Conarb, R.A. Et av., Medical Survey of the People of
Rongelap and Utirik Islands Eleven and Twelve Years After
Exposure to Fallout Radiation (March 1965 and March

1966), BNL 50029 (T-446), April 1967.

13. Conarb, R.A. ET AL., Medical Survey ofthe People ofRongelap and Utirik Islands Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen
Years After Exposure to Fallout Radtation (March 1967,
March 1968, and March 1969), BNL 50220 (T-562),
June 1970.

14. Conarp, R.A., Medical survey of Marshallese people
five years after exposure to fallout radiation, Int.
J. Radiat. Biol. Suppl. 1: 269-81 (1960).

Med. 66: 1214-42 (1967).

Induced Cancer (Proc. [AEA Symp., Athens, April 1969),
pp. 325-36, IAEA, Vienna, 1969.

22. Sutow, W.W. anv Conarp, R.A., The effectsoffallout radiation on Marshallese children, in Radiation
Biology of the Fetal andJuvenileMammal(Proc. 9th Annu.
Hanford Buology Symp., Richland, Wash., May 1969), pp.
661-73, M.R. Sikov and D.D. Mahlum, Editors,

CONF-690501, 1969.

23. Cowarp, R.A., Dospyns, B.M., anp Sutow, W.W.,
Thyroid neoplasia as a late effect of acute exposure
to radioactive iodinesin fallout, 214: 316-

24 (1970).

24. A report on the people of Rongelap and Utirik reia-

tive to medical aspects of the March 1, 1954 inci-

dent: Injury, examinations and treatment, Presented

by the Special Joint Committee Concerning Ronge-

lap and Utirik Atolls (Public Law No. 4C-33) at

Fifth Congress of Micronesia, First Regular Session,
Feb. 1973.

25. Hines, N.O., Proving Ground: An Accountof the Radiological Studies in the Pacific, 1946-196], University of
WashingtonPress, Seattle, 1962.
26. James, R.A., Estimate ofRadiation Dose to Thyrotds ofthe

Rongelap Children Following the Bravo Event, UCRL
12273, Dec. 1964.

27. Harris, P., Unpublished data, 1954.
28. Mocuizuxi, Y., Mowary, R., anp PasTernacu, B..
Weights of human thyroids in New York City, Health
Phys. 9: 1299-301 (1963).
29. Sir, W.E., Personal communication, 1965.
30. TRAENKLE, H.L., X-ray-induced skin cancer in man,
Nat. Cancer Inst. Monogr. 10: 423-32 (1963).
31. Texon, H.A., Mason, M.L., anp WHEELocK, M.C.,A
histological study of radiation injuries of the skin,
Surg. Gynecol, Obstet. 90: 333-48 (1950).
32. Conarp, R.A., An attempt to quantify some clinical
criteria of aging, /. Gerontol. 15: 358-65 (1960).
33. Byrnes, V.A., Brown, D.V.L., Rose, H.W., ano
Crats, P.A., Chorioretinal lesions due to thermal

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