Figure 51. Left: Immature myelocytic cells (many promyelocytes) in marrow of subject No. 54,
6 weeks before death. X 1650. Right: Promyelocytes with Auer rods were numerous. x 1650.

During the 1972 annual examination the sub-

third molar, and a left chronic otitis media. Anti-

ject was found to have a WBC of 2000 and a
platelet count of 120,000. He showed noothersignificant findings and appeared to be a healthy and
husky 19-year-old. He was brought to BNL, where
a bone marrow examination revealed typical acute

6-thioguanine, heparin, oxacillin or cephalothin
with gentamicin, and later ampicillin. He received
blood and platelet transfusions, some from an

myelocytic type with numerous Auerrods (see

let levels continued low, and within 2 weeks he de-

myelogencus leukemia, predominately of the pro-

Figure 51). He was transferred to the National
Cancer Institute at Bethesda, where examination
resulted in few physical findings besides the bone
marrow changes noted.* He had slight inflammation of the pharynx, periodontitis around the night
“Drs. Edward S. Henderson, James Mabry, Joan Bull, Maria
Tomaszewski, and Jacqueline Peng of the National Cancer Enstitute and Dr. Gundabhaktha Chikkapa of Brookhaven Natonal! Laboratory assisted with this study.

leukemic medication included cytosine arabinoside,

older brother flown in from the Marshall Islands,

but compatible platelets were not available. Plate-

veloped signs of a hemorrhagic diathesis with

marked hemithorax. He was placed in respirator,
but his condition worsened, and he died 6 weeks

after admission. (See Appendix [1 for hospital
summary. )

Theprincipal autopsy findings included acute
myeloblastic (promyelocytic?) leukemiain spleen,
lymph nodes, arachnoid, and bone marrow. There
had been massive pulmonary hemorrhagebilaterally and inflammationof the parotid gland. It was

Table 36
Difference in Mean Peripheral Blood Levels Between Subject
With Leukemia (No. 54) and Exposed Peers
WEC ( x 10-3)

Neut. ( x 10-3)

Exposed peers
Leukemia case

5.7 (— 26%)

2.5 (—39%)

Exposed peers
Leukemia case

6.5 (-—21%)

2.7 (—30%)


Lymph.( x 10-3)

Plate. ( x 10-3)

Het., %

2.8 ( -6%)

187 (—24%)

36.4 ( —2.5%)

3.1 (-11%)

271 (—7.5%)

40.5 (43%)

Select target paragraph3