
The population of land crabs should be sharply

reduced because of their high content of sro,

If pandanus trees are planted on Bikini Island,
two inches of topsoil should be removed from the

planting sites.

The area of removal from each

site should be equal to the area covered by the
crown of mature trees.
Determinations should be made of body burdens of cst3? and
sr? at the end of the first year of residence on the Atoll

and as appropriate thereafter.

Baseline surveys prior to

relocation would be desirable.

Resurveys of environmental

radiation levels on the Bikini Atoll and estimates or radionuclides in food should be made periodically.
Special efforts should be made to ensure a balanced and
adequately nutritious diet.

A dietary supplement of

powdered milk would materially reduce sr’? uptake by

relieving the calcium deficiency usually associated with
their diet.
Respectfully submitted:
Shields Warren
John C. Bugher
Robert A. Conard

John B. Storer

Paul Tompkins
John H. Harley

Charles L. Dunham
S. Allan Lough

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Select target paragraph3