a large abundance of '37’Cs relative to other gamma emitting nuclides no
effort was made to correct the readings obtained from the scintillators

which were calibrated against !37Cs,
The islands can be divided into essentially three domains:

Beach Area - uniformly low background of approximately
10 wR/hr.


Village Area - located along lagoon side of the island.


purposes of this report two sets of data were obtained:

From lagoon road to approximately 250 feet inland
the mean background was 52 uR/hr.


From lagoon road to beach - 35 yR/hr.


these two areas together the mean background would
be 44 wR/hr.


Interior - used for agriculture.

This was considered to

include the area within the perimeter road, excluding the

village area.

The mean background was 86 ,,R/hr.

Experience obtained during the clearing operation indicates that total
removal of the vegetative cover and turning of the soil as occurred
during the grading of the perimeter and cross island roads results
in a rapid reduction of the measured exposure rate.

If it is assumed

that the village area will be essentially cleared and covered with
crushed coral as is customary, it would seen that an expected reduction

of the mean exposure rate by a factor of two would be a conservative
Figures 19 and 20 show the integrated exposure for the village and interior areas.

(The beach is assumed constant at <l0uR/hr).

By making

assumptions as to the residence time in each domain, the external gamma
dose may be estimated.

If the following assumptions for residence time shown in Table 5 are
taken, the intearal

(at anv age) dose to children born on Bikini in 1970

would be the figures shown in Table 6,


Select target paragraph3