Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC and
Mr. Merril Eisenbud and Dr. John Harley of
the Health and Safety Laboratory, New York
Operations Office.
The. senior personnel at sea were Dr. John

Harley as Project Leader, Dr. Wooster as
Oceanographer and Dr. Allyn H. Seymour of
the Applied Fisheries Laboratory, University
of Washington as marine biologist.
The chemical analyses at the Health and
Safety Laboratory were performed by Edward
Hardy, Gerald Hamada and William Collins
under the direction of Dr. John Harley.
Theinitial team from the United States that
examined and cared for the Marshallese who
had been evacuated to Kwajalein were: Doctors
E. P. Cronkite, R. A. Conard, N. R. Shulman,
and R. S. Farr from the Naval Medical Research Institute, Dr. V. P. Bond and Lt. Commander L. J. Smith from the U. S. Naval
Radiological Defense Laboratory, Dr. C. L.
Dunham, AEC, and Dr. G. V. LeRoy, Con-

sultant to AEC, and Lt. Col. L. E. Browning,

M. C. from the Armed Forces Special Weapons


Project. Before the arrival of the team, preliminary care and studies had beeninitiated by
the station medical officer, Commander W.S.
Hall. Doctors T. L. Shipman, Thomas White, *
and Payne Harris of the Los Alamos Scientific

Laboratory performed the urinalyses.

The six months medical survey was conducted
by Drs. V. P. Bond, R. A. Conard, J. S. Robertson and E. A. Weden, Jr., and the twelve
months medical survey was conducted by Drs.
E. P. Cronkite, C. L. Dunham, David Griffin
(USNRDL), S. D. McPherson (NMRI) and
Kent T. Woodward (Field Command, AFSWP).
The two year medica] survey was performed by
Drs. R. A. Conard, Bradford Cannon, C. E.
Huggins (USNR), J. B. Richards (USNR), and
Austin Lowery (USA) with the technical assistance of C. P. A. Strome, W. K. Border,
J. W. Hamby, L. D. Snow, W. G. Clutter,
and C. D. Severson (all USN).
Special appreciation is expressed to Violet
M. McCarthy for the secretarial work in
preparing this report.


Select target paragraph3