Preface and Acknowledgments
Two to three days after the fallout on the

Marshall Islands in March 1954, 82 people

were evacuated from Rongelap and Ailiginae

Atolls and 154 from Utirik Island. In June of
1954, the 154 personnel were returned to Utirik,
andin the spring of 1957 the decision was made
to return the Rongelapese to their homeisland.
Since March 1954 periodic surveys have been
madeof these islands to investigate the degree
of contamination.
Soils and biological collections were made on

and around the Marshall Islands by the Ap-

plied Fisheries Laboratory (AFL) of the Uni-

versity of Washington on March 26, 1954, July

16, 1954, December 8 and 18, 1954, January
25-30, 1955, October 21-23, 1955, November 7

1955, and July 23-24, 1956; by the Naval

Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) on
February 1955 and February 1956. Analyses

of the samples also were performed by AFL,
NRDLand by the Health and Safety Labora-

tory (HASL) of the Atomic Energy Commission. Surveys were also made of residual

The following personnel participated in the
field expeditions:
March 26, 1964 (USS Nicholas, DDE 449).
Applied Fisheries Laboratory: Dr. Lauren R.
Donaldson, Director, Dr. Edward E. Held,

Dr. Ralph F. Palumbo, Mr. Paul R. Olson, and

Major Charles Barnes, USAF on assignment

from the Air Force Veterinary Corps to the
Applied Fisheries Laboratory.
In addition, Dr. Thomas Shipman, Dr.
Thomas N. White,* P. R. Schivone, and W. W.

Robbins accompanied the expedition to aid the
natives in capturing some of their animals on
Rongelap Island and to make radiation read-

ings on someoftheislands in the southern part
of the atoll.

April 18, 1954. (SA-16 Naval Aircraft).
U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory

activity in the Pacific Ocean by Health and

and Naval Medical Research Institute: Dr.
Stanton Cohn, Lt. R. 8. Farr, P. E. Thompson
HMC,J. C. Hendrie, HML,and J. Flannigan,

the Applied Fisheries Laboratory in June and

July 16,1954.

Safety Laboratory of the AEC and Office of
Naval Research in February~May 1955; by
September 1956. In addition, teams of medical
experts from the United States examined and
eared for the Marshallese following their
exposure in March 1954, and returned to reexamine the Rongelapese at about six months,
one year, and two years after exposure.
The purpose of this report is to abstract the
highlights of the data from these investigations.
In doing so there is the risk of unintentionally
quoting the original reports out of context. It
should be understood that the original authors
are not responsible for any such violations and

if there be any question it is recommended that

reference be madeto the basic documents (see


(U.S. Navy Gruman Albatross,

ASR-16, No. 902).

Applied Fisheries Laboratory: Dr. Lauren R.
Donaldson, Director, Dr. Frank G. Lowman,
Dr, Arthur D. Welander and Lt. Commander
Clarence F. Pautzke, USNR Aquatic biologist

on active duty status for special training.

December 8, 1964 (U. S. N. PBM No. £471).
Applied Fisheries Laboratory: Dr. Edward

E. Held, Mr. Paul R. Olson. AEC Division of
Biology and Medicine: Dr. Walter D. Claus,
AEC Radiological Safety Officers, Mr. Robert
Taylor and Mr. William Blakeman.


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