
MAJ Coltio
28 Nov 7&8


Boken (Irene) Subsurface Contamination


To provide current status of Boken (Trene) subsurface TRU soil con-




Boken surface contamination meets Condition B (80 pCi/gm).


There are three areas of subsurface soil TRU contamination that ex-

ceed Condition D (160 pCi/gm) for a total estimate volume of 1406 cy (Sce
Enel 1).

ce. The original excision plan was to begin in Sep 78;
however, birds
(Sooty terns) moved onto the island in late Aug 78 fer annual nesting. Egess
were layed at a minimim density of one per square meter. Nests, eggs and

chicks have covered the excision area and haul road since Sep 78 thus delaying soil removal efforts.


a. The soil excision operation will involve one front loader, two five
ton dumptrucks and one bulldozer.

Each of the three areas to be’ excised is less than 2230 £2 and the

maximum depth of cut is 80 - 120 cm (2.6 - 4.0 fect).

ec. The work force will be drawn from USAE clements presently on Enjebi
as Enjebi soil excision is 98% complete.
d. The haul road from the excision site to the beach stockpile area
will be levelled by bulldozer. The beach area will require minor bulldoze.
preparation for vehicular traffic. Experience indicates the tactical four
wheel drive five ton dumptruck wlll encounter no trafficability problems on
the beach.

e. Although the Boken shallcw water approaches constrain LCU and LCM 8
movement as severely as Aomon (Sally), the small amount of soil to be excised will be stockp£led rapidly and total transport time for all the soil

will not exceed sixty days.
In any fourteen day period, at least four days
will not have a daylight high tide window adequate to allow access, loading
and egress of soil haul craft.

a. As of 25 Nov 78 few eggs are evident in the excavation area and the
the chicks are mobile enough to move out of the way of heavy equipment, ©


Select target paragraph3