North Atlantic surface waters. The average 2**:249Pu/8’Cs ratio
of 0.0032 for Kwajalein Lagoonis also in good agreementto the
averagevalue for open ocean,in contrast to the ratio of 0.07-0.12
in the Bikini and Enewetak Iagoons?. This illustrates that both
the 7°*-24¢Puy and the !27Cs content of the lagoon are derived
from worldwide fallout.
Weare still without an obvious explanation for the discrepancyin thefish-tissue data; that is, why should the Kwajalein fish, in a region of the equatorial Pacific contaminated only
by worldwide fallout, have significantly higher body burdens of
plutonium than fish in the North Atlantic which is also contaminated only with worldwide fallout? Furthermore, why do
the Kwajalein Atoll fish have the same or even higher body
burdens than the fish at Enewetak Atoll, where higher levels of
plutonium are found in the lagoon? And why were the concentrations in Enewetak Lagoon fish not correlated with those
in the specific local environment where they were sampled, or
with feeding habit or trophic level? A cursory search of the
literature surprisingly revealed only one other relevant fallout
report—the plutonium level in the body of a single marine fish
in fallout-contaminated waters of the Pacific!?. The plutonium
concentration in this sample and the computed concentration
factor are closer to those from the North Atlantic fish than to
those from Kwajalein. On the other hand, plutonium levels in
tissues from catfish from Trombay"’, in plaice from the vicinity
of Windscale"4, and in several species from areas of Thuleare
higher than those in the tissues of the North Atlantic fish, and
close in value to those from Kwajalein and Enewetak. But as the
last three sets of data are from areas known to have local
plutonium contamination from reprocessing plants (and one
nuclear accident), they support our argument that levels of
plutonium in fish reflect local environmental levels.
To sum up,it appears that available plutonium data from fish
tissues are inconsistent. If we accept the available Enewetak
and Kwajalein Atoll data as correct, then we can only conclude
that the availability to all fish and invertebrates of plutonium
from fallout, or for that matter from any local source, depends

more on the type of environment than on the plutonium levels
in that environment. The data could also suggest that coralatolls
may have specific biogeochemical processes that regulate the
availability of plutonium regardless of levels in the environment or in food. On the other hand, if we assume that concentrations in fish and invertebrates are proportional] to those in
the environment, then we can only conclude that many of the
atoll fish data from the laboratories involved in analytical
programmes!" are in error. Since there is no other evidence at
this time to refute the analytical results from the atolls, we can

only urge caution in applying concentration factors measured

in one marine area to predict approximate plutonium levels in
fish from other marine areas. In addition, it seems, on the basis
of the published data!-* and the summary assembled in Table 1,
that individuals on Kwajalein Atoll who supplementtheir diet
with foods from the local marine environment may have
plutonium body burdens similar to the low levels predicted5 for
individuals at Enewetak on similardiets.
This work was performed under the auspices of the US
Energy Research and Development Administration.
Received Apni 14; accepted June 26, 1976.
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Select target paragraph3