
0 DOE legal council advised that contracts

between DOE and the labs

should point out that DOE has requested this assistance
Advisory Group) and that assistance


is the important point.

This should be documented.

impact and role should be documented

McClel 1an:

is being provided.

The scope of this Advisory Group’s activities
What are our responsibilities?

(from the

for the historical



Different forms of charter are possible:

We don’t need a “formal charter” that would put us under
the Advisory Act.

o A “formal charter” is neither necessary or desirable.
o Wachholz should put together a letter for Ruth Clusen “n
which is outlined the reasons for the groups existence
the key people are, their responsibilities,

Bai r:

Suggests that Wachholz



discuss this matter with Clusen while on the

way to Enewetak this weekend.


We can avoid the Advisory Act if members are acting as individuals.
It was not the intent of DOE to set up an advisory group that Would
be under the Advisory Act.

How limiting and precise should the

charter be?

McClel 1an:-

Wants a general charter; one that’s not restricted to a specific
area of concern.


Feels this Advisory Group overstepped

its bounds when we “set”

the 40, B(), 160 pCi/g limits for the cleanup of Enewetak.

Discussion of LLL Draft Post Cleanup Dose Assessment



Draft is not well written.


DOE is committed to getting a LLL dose assessment
by July 15.



It must reach many different audiences.

document to DOI

Select target paragraph3