6. The mailing address for the expedition will be c/o

Island Commander, Kwajalein, Nav 824, c/o Postmaster, San Fran


7. It is understood that an allocation of $20,000 has be

made to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts to cover extra-

ordinary expenses incurred by the expedition.
The cost of tra
incurred by any personnel in the Navy assisting in the expedit
will be properly chargeable to such an allotment.
8. Your attention is invited to the existing instruction
issued to the Commander-in-Chief Pacific and Pacific Fleet whi


"You will not be responsible for the safety measures

adopted to protect members of duly authorized scientific and s
vey parties from radiological hazards.

This responsibility wi

rest with the senior member of the party."

9. For purposes of facilitating communications, it is re
quested that the subject expedition be known as the "AEC Donal
son Survey."
10, It is understood that the expedition will consist of

following twelve civilian members and no others:
Donaldson, Lauren R,
White, Asher A.
Welander, Arthur D,
Seymour, Allyn H.
Tinker, Spencer W.
Bullock, Theodore H,

Hollenberg, George J.

Koch, John J,
Osborn, Richard H,
Donaldson, John R,
Lowman, Frank G.

Held, Edward D.

11. Early confirmation of the provisions indicated above

is requested,


Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Operations

Select target paragraph3