
Referral Zlisibility



In the case of a medical emergency where evacuation becomes |
necessary, the Medical Officer in charge of the subd-distric
hospital, after consulting the Chairman, may refer patients
to the nearest hosvital, where in his best clinical judgmext,
the patient can receive the necessary medical attenticn.



Whenever redical services reauired by the patient cannot be

adequately or Setisfactorily provided at the district center

hospital, the Medicai Referral Committee, uoon careful
evaluation of the case, may refer the patient to redical
facilities where more sophisticated evaluation or treatment

can be obtained.


Except for Item II B-4 below, to be eligible for medical

‘yeferral at the expense of the Trust Territory Governnent ,
the patient must be a citizen of the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands. The following categories of citizens are




Trust Territory citizens end their denvendents who are
permanent residents of Guem and other arees of the United
States or otner countries and are texrorarily visiting
the rust ‘Verritory.


Trust Territory citizens who are students study!

Students receiving full or partial scnolarsnip =
the @.T. Government must enroll in the Student 4
Sickness Insurance Program, es insurance premitr
paid from the scholersnip grants.
Students vayi
Own wey througn scnool or who ere privately spons

should purchese such


insurance coverase on their

through the
Student Accicéent and Sickness Insuren
Program or some other progran.

Trust Territory citizens and dependents who are in Guer,
Honolulu, or other areas outside the Trust Territory 2né
‘who go on their own to seek medical care.




Non-Trust Territory citizens (and th
dependents) who are contract expley
Territory Covermient are eligible

However, the individual must bear all
care for himself 2nd his non-citize

Territory will pay the cost of transz
patient is officially referred by tne Medical Referral


(See IV D)

Select target paragraph3