
at 1019, the control 3-29 edvised Sugar One that Psbble Red Three


and Pebble Red Four were running low on fuel. The two aircraft were
unable to meke contact with a K3-29 for refueling end were diverted to
Skratch Sugar One departed crbit to cover the lindings at inivetok.
Radio contsct was made at 1021 on 121.5 ECs. Both rebble Red eircraft

re given D/F steers by gnivetok D/F.

While the airereft were trans

mittire to Eniwetok fer steers, Sugar One followed them using the
al/ert-3 Homing Adapter. at 1037 and 14,000 feet, Pebble Red Four ran
Febble Red Four was unable to glide to the lending strip

ont of fcel.

at ind, stok ani crashed at 1048 ep.propdcs,taly three riles from .:.i::31
Ietind on a hezding of 301 cegrees ffem sninctok. Four helicepter
eesisted Sugar One in covering the imnediate erea of the crash. The

e-nopy, cne glove, and trip charts were seen at the scene of the crzs

Tue pilot was not sezn. Sugar One sreceeded outbound on a hezding of
32 1 cegress Sor thirty riles znd returned on a hesding of 121 ¢cesrees,
was the lest stesr given Pebble Red Four by Enivetok Var o/F.

LACK, 162358 to LL2CN, 162055 to LI35N, 162C05@ to Li35N,

23 Surehed at five hurtred (500) feet on headings of C33

Select target paragraph3