or controlled exposures of individuals aad populations, the ICRP has
recommended the term ''dose limit.''

Recommended dose limits are

thought to be associated with a very low degree of risk.
Where the source of exposure is subject to control, it is desirable

and reasonable to set specific dose limitations.

In this manner the

associated risk is judged to be appropriately small in relation to the
resulting benefits.

The limitation must be set at a sufficiently low

level so that any further reduction in risk would not justify the effort
required to accomplish it.

Such risks to members of the public from

man-made sources of radiation should be less than or equal to other
risks regularly accepted in everyday life.

They should also be justi-

fiable in terms of benefits that would not otherwise be received.
ICRP states that since any exposure may involve some degree of
risk, the Commission recommends that any unnecessary exposure be
avoided, and that all doses be kept as low as is readily achievable,
economic and social consideration being taken into account.

Engineering and advisory actions are the two categories of remedial
measures considered,

Engineering actions taken during cleanup and rehabilitation operations provide a basis for measurement or other determination of
effectiveness and adverse impact.

Good initial assurance of

satisfactory completion can be given.

Advisory actions cover those activities of the returning people and

their professional counselors in response to instructions and
technical advice on land use, housing sites, dietary usages, etc.

Results will be achieved over a long period and depend on the
conscientious use of advice and counsel and require continuing
exchange of information between inhabitants and technical sources.
Because of time, human factors, pressures,and qualifications,
less than optimum effectiveness may be expected, despite a strong
initial will by the Eniwetok people to cooperate at the outset.




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