Chairman has had with Hal Holister since the meeting, it seems better to
postpone action on the charter until the present crisis regarding cleanup

criteria decisions is past.

Visit to Eniwetok
Preliminary plans were discussed for the Advisory Group's visit to


The earliest date for the visit appeared to be August, 1978.

Comments on Cleanup Criteria
The Advisory Group recognizes that there are several options to the

cleanup criteria to be used at Eniwetok ranging from cleaning up all of
the islands to cleaning up none of them.

The number of islands which can

be decontaminated depends upon the level of decontamination accentable and

the resources available.

The latter appears to be fixed by the Congressional

The level of decontamination which is acceptable depends

upon a determination by the Marshallese of the level of health risks they
are willing to accept to live on the islands.

The Advisory Group can assist in developing estimates of the health
risks associated with proposed cleanup levels and, after cleanup, with the

actual levels remaining.


DU i ARC pv

Select target paragraph3