explanations for
in others or for
It has also been
fragmentary data

the success of 1311 therapy in some patients and the failure
the overly destructive effect on the tHyroids in st Hil others.
hoped that such models might be used to "plug in"
from less completely studied patients and thus esti te the
blanks in the kinetics of other patients. Yur need for mathematical ssistance
in the national study hes been longstanding. The demamis on the per nnel fer
analysis of other data in the national study have been so heavy and
of personnel so frequent that little mre thw a superficial review
ula be
done with the studies on kinetics. Although this naticnal study is

many interesting features on the comparative results of £227therapy

thyroidectomy, it is apparent from the superficial review that the |
are so fragmentary on most of the patients in that retrospective study

estimate of the individual doses of radiation to the glards will be

On the other hand, the data from or leberat ory, based cn the above grea
observations and collected in a prospective imunner under inhis contrad ay
be useful. These data are now in tne hands of Dr. A. Bertrand Brill of Vandertilt

University for analysis by the methods of Eerman.

During the past year, Dr. Brill has carried out scm analyses or the data
He feels quite encouraged about paining mear ingsul

which we furnished hin.

interpretations on the kinetics, using modifications of the models d@vised by
Berman(which were devised for study of normal iodine kinetics with «7 acers rather
than therapeutic doses). Dr. Brill is particularly interested in ay cases on
which we have serial quantitative determinations of changing iodinatd d compounss
in the bleed following treatment. Dr. Brill has submitted an epplics ticn fora
grant to support work with these data. It is hoped that the support Wil? be
available. He was instrumental in the initiation of the national stu dy end has
remained deeply interested in the problem.
t will lead to mre precise application of tt
Any informationirk
therapeutic dose of 1517 and the avoidarce of long latent hypothyrois
important. The observations being made currently cn selected petien
hyperthyroidism are not experimental in nature, but merely prolenged

detail so that the outcome of therapy for that patient is understood F
and is of value if the individual requires more than one cose of 131
therapy is too destructive.

We have been concerned with, and publisned observeticns on, the
nuclear forms occasionally encountered in human thyroics which had p

been treated with 1317.

We have also been concerned with the occasi

which develcps in rat thyroids that had been given smal? doses oF 13
subsequently stumulated with antithyroid erugs. In the same rat
nuclear fcrms are seen.

The method of using tritiated thymidine to identify by auteradi

nuclei that are undergoing mitosis has been used in our laboratery f
years. We have been using this labeling technique to atterpt te ic
of neoplasms as small aggreraticns of cells in irradiated rat thyroi
based on the assumption that any cluster cf cells destined to be an

display a different rate of incorporaticn of tritiated thymidine in
will cells of the surrounding tissue.

pity those
quite sce
ify the aset
mciei than

Select target paragraph3