"In some crude sense, which no vulgarity, no humor,
no overstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists have
known sin and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose."
~-J. Robert Oppenheimer, nuclear scientist

in a lecture, November 25, 1947

Give me water!
Oh! Give me water to drink!
Let me have some!
I want rather to die---

To die!

Help me, 0, help me!

A bit of water!
I beg you:

Won't anyone: ...

The heaven split;

The streets are gone;
The River,

The river flowing on: ...


Night coming on

To these eyes parched and sere;

To these lips inflamed

Ah! the moaning of a man
Of a man


Whose face is
Scorched, smarting;

This ruined face of a man!"
-~Tamiki Hara, Hiroshima writer-poet
(1905-1951), a suicide


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