Members of the BNL team abcard the M/V Muittobs (i tar)

Dr. Conard on the bridge of the Militabi, at the beginning

Or. Kundsen, Dr. Sutow, Or, Conard, Cr. Cole (consultant)

of the September survey.

and Or. Larsen.
ee |


Decorations and

View of the end cf Rongelap island showiny former RadSafe site
corstructed after tre 1954 incident.

flags were a part of the welcome the people of

Rangelap gave the Committee during its July trip.

The AEC jeep and trailer on Rongelap.

The Committee during the July trip to Rongelap (I tor) Henry
Moses of the Marshall tstands District Administrator's Office, Or.
Cole, Representative Wiliander, Chairman Borja, Representative
Balos, Heaith Arde Joe Saul, Laporatory Tecnnician Neison
Zetika, and Or. Kumangai.


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