The general procedure was to have the patient brought to the
local doctor's office.
If necessary, off-site monitors provided the
There both doctors examined the patient and arrived
at a decision.
Any costs were billed through Reynolds Flectrical &
Engineering, Inc.
"In no case, of those examined, were there symotoms that could
be definitely attributed to radiation injury.
Many cases turned out
to be some common ailment, diaper rash, in one case.
However, the
reports of eye irritation were so persistent that this matter should
be investigated in order to prove or refute the widesvread belief that
this is due to test activities.
"Reports of injury to livestock were reported by zone versonnel
and investigated during the series by veterinarians (Maj. Grent Kuhn
and Col. Bernard Trum) from the AEC-University of Tennessee Agricultural Farm at Oak Ridge or by Dr. Wendell Brooksby, of the Utah State
Agricultural College.
There is little doubt that reputed livestock
damage will continue to be reported for some time after the tests since
livestock culture is such an important vart of the econoric life of
the area.

This suggests the desirability of the continuous services

of a veterinarian with radiological training and of a sound investizga-

tive program.”


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