
,ci usded wu

Mr. Brian Farley

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vobiod uBio

October 13, 1972

Sanimexs algesa sit to sime co babnsimmoos 1 2sw Josm36913 C218 vay] Bt
asjonotq O32 arivig to tevxsant Ssdt si
.argo0ttto Isnibsom [so0l st of

s.ci:eestabdished.n.lorview: of: themaxtendivesaveatmeat! shatumeidibeted s
23 meedad: for. this; patient, wenerrangedstobkaveshimuadmitted toethasxs
National. Cancer: Instituta)€dinica li Centeriiin: Betrkesdd} Marylandxs
This is the leadingohospdtal imvthes inisedi Szagegnforctreatment of:
such cases. On October 3, I took the patient down by hospital plane
«to: Maryland.:'* Cablegrams: were, sents tequeseingi Lhaten ehei mothers And
fatheriof:Lekoj bessent toi WashingtonjoDis Gio abssobmnasr poss ibilboat
SOD AEC-expenses ‘Also,S$ebeoShoniber] atheadthiatde: atsMajisou wag: eva
réquestedias-interpretes .osThel fathers) John) Anjadiniand: Sebeogmarrived

Friday, Oetober 6:and> aree witht thes pattentz5uMé have, aptsyetsieemI
notifiedofs the: arrangements for! thel mothewdbetravelai sieiv oiwmdat

.angntbe tt Loe noitaucave toditul rol osbnsmmoss1r stew [siiqeod

. Examination. of. the: Utirik: peep les dide not veveady anys anuseads oat
siqnexpeeted conditions: thacimightibei related to radiatiomexposureaW
Fhe. incidence. of thyroid: abnormalities: wamqni‘teo low ahdnots different
fromthatite bei expected: imlany;isiands¢group.bne sit is otujsM tiasl
od onuvol otow e9285 ditsnd sveci sd3 to wot

.benimsxe yodtmd soisd

792 AR5 boths Rongelap andi Utir iky: recommendbhionsswerenmade tio thea
Trust: Territoryshealthi s¢ruicvess personned esfficerimp requisition of

certain additional drugs and equipment and checking of. drugs) andase


A better arrangement for local record-keeping on the islands was

discussed inoluding-data from aur mediinadi examinationsisithyraind treatment: andi transfer ofc siehsiinfarmabion shen; indimisinaiwt movertpsenpsher

(@isdand.:i Shese matterss are:std id upitk dibttisstomasnimsxo tesl sonta

f4ig zaiito snT .esnagniliA 38 398 to iB3y 3n0 38 bsaoqxs aasd bed ow
.| 92° Afters durreé cordss haves arrivedsandianedysaal ate blood! date: bayew been
wade we will becin.a position. ta reportpmoresi¢onpr ehensive lys om findings
ofi the: past’ survey.2ciL£ I: ean: be. off any: futther: help) atithis tim please
seatisdteisM tad3o 2dd

to yism co

isuWithe best regardgyousccst ss visnidailer!

.basisvel3 o2


-@fidd 190i bssiste


,<9aro biaiuvags

$4] lo ut. 533tNGenSy73 39N81IS Of sidteaeoq 2f JE 28 mock 28 vesns 0


a2 letmesknotai6 oso

.tdulsand esd ot Soot esw ad [OL dowsM si banimsxs

“ the- ‘latest two cases... —) ocvA tolqiiT 33 au iisaw (oval 004
SWOOPS ina Wodtind omod iiié¢290oue 8 Jag OF ,raveword .sildBau
GB. lodges ad Dia itad cave.licowd o4 fosd mid sist ot bobissb
SeW Satuate. luGhoRul ew soyok lo 21le0ngsil sda 3teda troqe1 33 vst02



RAG 1s? w3iv al

oP, Su pet ad eticlosind: an updated! babies oftithyroid! deeionsi :tonincilade


. Robertrdés ComardyyMe Dds

Jesi aedwonas *d@l ai Busia tsda to aslubon pginsd to {[svoms1 310i


T@kTNe biotvda ted sicuaivets ban vod acdT



omw .Uf ses .sifa .ntefaA ‘cad
.euottse s1zom 2k sa
bards adT
Wol 8 sved oF binel esw qBicgrodt ao 938 to Bay rep
Af usqef Innes 2eseet VY
oo.e ovr nid agniTeo @ncoy £139 noold otidw

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