Clinical Research, in University College Hospital Medical School,
London; and Consultant Physician in University College Hospital,
and Honorary Lecturer in the Medical School.

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians since 1946, and member of

its Council from 1966 to 1968.

of Gt. Britain and i\.

‘“fember of the Association of Physicians

Ireland, of the Royal Society of Medicine, and

of the British Medical Association.
the School and Hospital.

Member of the Ethics Committee of

Engaged since appointment as Director of the Department in 1946 in
clinical work in thyroid and other diseases, in medical teaching, and
in research, particularly into the investigation and treatment of
thyroid disease, the treatment of thyroid over-activity, and the studv of
the diagnosis, metabolism and therapy of thyroid cancer; and author of

various papers on thyroid cancer and disease.

Member of the European Thyroid Association, the Thyroid Club of London,

and (corresponding member) of the American Thyroid Association.

‘lember of the International Commission on Radiological Protection,

formerly Vice Chairman (1959-62) and Chairman (1962-69) of this Commis-

sion and member of its Committee on Internal Dose.

‘Member, formerly Chairman, of the British Medical Research Council's

Committee on Protection against Ionising Radiation and member of its
Committee on Internal Dose.

Member of the british Institute of Radiology, and Honorary Member of

the Faculty of Radiologists, British Radiation Protection Association
and the Japanese Radiological Society.

UK Representative on United Nations Scientific Committee on the effects

of Atomic Radiation since 1956, and formerly Chairman of its Biological



Director of the (British) “Medical Research Council's Department of



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