As noted elsewhere, the Committee tenders its thanks to High
Commissioner Edward E., Johnston, Deputy High Commissioner Peter T,
Coleman, and former Director of Health Services Dr. William Peck.
Special note is due to present Director of the Department of Health
Services Dr. Masao Kumangai, for his work with the Committee in
Japan as liaison from the executive branch and for his assistance
and advice thereafter.

Also deserving of thanks is Mr. Kosang

Mizutani, Assistant Medical Repair Specialist, who participated in
the September examinations,

Also providing assistance to the Com=-

mittee was Mr. Bert Ogata of the Agriculture Division of the Department of Resources and Development, for which the Committee is thankful to Resources and Development Director Wyman X, Zachary, Deputy
Director Eusabio Rechucher, and Agriculture Division Chief Mr. Bermin

Marshall Islands District
The Committee wishes to thank the following people for their

help and assistance during its two visits to the Marshall Islands

District Administrator Oscar de Brum; Deputy District

Administrator Edmund Gilmar; Mr, Henry Moses, now with the Legisla-

tive Liaison Division; Mr. Tony de Brum.Public Affairs Officer;
Mr. Jack Tobin, Community Development Advisor; Mr, Philip K,. Kabua,
Administrative Officer; Speaker of the Nitijela, the Honorable Atlan
Anien; the members of the district delegation of the Congress of

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