Tirst of all,

the Committee would like to give its thanks and

appreciation to the magistrates, municinal councils, and the people
of Rongelap and Utirik for their cooneration and assistance to the


It is for these people that the Committee has traveled

and studied and it is hoped that this report and its recommendations
will helo rectifv some of their problems so that they may face the
future, certain in the knowledge that the neople and the government
of Micronesia are concerned about them and are mindful of their
special circumstances,

The Committee is also grateful to the following persons or agencies
for their assistance to the Committee during its work.

They are listed

below in alphabetical order, according to country or jurisdiction.



The Committee wishes to extend its deen appreciation to E, Eric
Pochin, M.D., CBE, FRCP, Director of the British Medical Research
Council's Department of Clinical Research at the University College
Hospital Medical School, London, England.

Also the Committee is

grateful to the World Health Organization for recommending Dr. Pochin
to the Committee.


We are also indebted to Ambassador Ingersoll,

and Mr.

David Brown,

Second Secretary, Political Section of the United States Embassy in


ie et

Tokyo; and in the government of Japan to Mr. Mamoru Tsunashima,


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